
Golang Web Mvc Framework

View the Project on GitHub qleelulu/goku


Sometimes we want to perform logic either before all the request or after all the request. To support this, Goku provides middlewares. Middleware provided a way let you to do something before or after a request.


How To Create Middleware

To create a middleware, just implement the Middlewarer interface.

type Middlewarer interface {
    OnBeginRequest(ctx *HttpContext) (ActionResulter, error)
    OnBeginMvcHandle(ctx *HttpContext) (ActionResulter, error)
    OnEndMvcHandle(ctx *HttpContext) (ActionResulter, error)
    OnEndRequest(ctx *HttpContext) (ActionResulter, error)

middlewarer interface execute order:

1. OnBeginRequest
2. OnBeginMvcHandle
3.  -> {controller}
4. OnEndMvcHandle
5. OnEndRequest

notice that:

OnBeginRequest & OnEndRequest: All requests will be through these
OnBeginMvcHandle & OnEndMvcHandle: not matched route & static file are not through these

To add a middleware to the goku server, we can do this when we create goku server:

func main() {
    rt := &goku.RouteTable{}
    middlewares := []goku.Middlewarer{
    // add middlewares when we create server
    s := goku.CreateServer(rt, middlewares, serverConfig)