
Golang Web Mvc Framework

View the Project on GitHub qleelulu/goku


simple database api.

    db, err := OpenMysql("mymysql", "tcp:localhost:3306*dbname/username/pwd")

    // you can use all the api in golang's database/sql
    _, err = db.Query("select 1")

    // or you can use some simple api provide by goku
    r, err := db.Select("test_blog", SqlQueryInfo{
        Fields: "id, title, content",
        Where:  "id>?",
        Params: []interface{}{0},
        Limit:  10,
        Offset: 0,
        Group:  "",
        Order:  "id desc",

    // insert map
    vals := map[string]interface{}{
        "title": "golang",
        "content": "Go is an open source programming environment that " +
            "makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.",
        "create_at": time.Now(),
    r, err := db.Insert("test_blog", vals)

    // insert struct
    blog := TestBlog{
        Title:    "goku",
        Content:  "a mvc framework",
        CreateAt: time.Now(),
    r, err = db.InsertStruct(&blog)

    // get struct
    blog := &TestBlog{}
    err = db.GetStruct(blog, "id=?", 3)

    // get struct list
    qi := SqlQueryInfo{}
    var blogs []Blog
    err := db.GetStructs(&blogs, qi)

    // update by map
    vals := map[string]interface{}{
        "title": "js",
    r, err2 := db.Update("test_blog", vals, "id=?", blog.Id)

    // delete
    r, err := db.Delete("test_blog", "id=?", 8)

checkout db_test.go

DataBase SQL Debug

if you want to debug what the sql query is, set db.Debug to true

    db, err := OpenMysql("mymysql", "tcp:localhost:3306*test_db/username/pwd")
    db.Debug = true

after you set db.Debug to true, while you run a db command, it will print the sql query to the log, juse like this:

2012/07/30 20:58:03 SQL: UPDATE `user` SET friends=friends+? WHERE id=?;
                    PARAMS: [[1 2]]