
Golang Web Mvc Framework

View the Project on GitHub qleelulu/goku


goku is a Web Mvc Framework for golang, mostly like ASP.NET MVC.
goku is simple and powerful.
Base Features:

  • mvc (Lightweight model)
  • route
  • multi template engine and layout
  • simple database api
  • form validation
  • filter for controller or action
  • middleware
  • and more

doc & api @pkgdoc

now goku is in the preview version, anything can be change.


To install goku, simply run go get github.com/QLeelulu/goku.
To use it in a program, use import "github.com/QLeelulu/goku"


Here is a simple example, or you can check Intro for more detail.

package main

import (

// routes
var routes []*goku.Route = []*goku.Route{
    // static file route
        Name:     "static",
        IsStatic: true,
        Pattern:  "/static/(.*)",
    // default controller and action route
        Name:       "default",
        Pattern:    "/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        Default:    map[string]string{"controller": "home", "action": "index", "id": "0"},
        Constraint: map[string]string{"id": "\\d+"},

// server config
var config *goku.ServerConfig = &goku.ServerConfig{
    Addr:           ":8888",
    ReadTimeout:    10 * time.Second,
    WriteTimeout:   10 * time.Second,
    MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
    //RootDir:        os.Getwd(),
    StaticPath: "static",
    ViewPath:   "views",
    Debug:      true,

func init() {
     * project root dir
    _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
    config.RootDir = path.Dir(filename)

     * Controller & Action
        Get("index", func(ctx *goku.HttpContext) goku.ActionResulter {
        return ctx.Html("Hello World")


func main() {
    rt := &goku.RouteTable{Routes: routes}
    s := goku.CreateServer(rt, nil, config)
    goku.Logger().Logln("Server start on", s.Addr)


You can found some examples in the github.com/QLeelulu/goku/examples folder.
To run example “todo” app, just:

$ cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/github.com/QLeelulu/goku/examples/todo/
$ go run app.go

maybe you need run todo.sql first.



View the LICENSE file.